Your Career Begins With YOU

Ready, Set
Let's Launch YOU

If you're a recent graduate or early to mid-career professional on the job hunt, Let's Build YOU understands the challenges of today's job market. Uncertainty, overwhelming competition, and lack of clarity can make even the most talented feel lost, and endlessly applying online just doesn't work anymore.

You don't have to face this alone. I specialize in connecting the dots between college and the real world, guiding you through a smarter job search strategy that leads to interviews and offers. Let's uncover your goals and create a personalized coaching plan that will transform your job search experience.

Career Coaching Services

Personal Brand Assessment

You’re a masterpiece with a story waiting to be told. Let's craft a powerful narrative that reflects your values, capabilities, and strengths. Through various exercises, you’ll gain an understanding of who you are, why you’re powerful, and how you can make a meaningful impact. It's time to share your story with the world, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

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Career Roadmap

If you're struggling with how to begin your job search, I'll help you create a personalized roadmap tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Together, we’ll identify your interests, skills, and values, explore different career paths, and evaluate job opportunities to determine the best fit for you. The roadmap will include specific action items to help you succeed in a chosen field.

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Career Toolkit

I'll work with you to craft a killer resume that highlights your unique strengths and skills, an optimized LinkedIn profile that captures the attention of recruiters and industry professionals, and a customized cover letter that speaks directly to potential employers. With these tools, you'll gain the competitive edge you need to succeed in today's job market.

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Interview Mastery

If you're feeling anxious about an upcoming job interview, I've got you covered with an interview prep package. I'll prepare an interview Q&A and conduct interview sessions via video, guiding you through the process and providing valuable feedback. You’ll gain the necessary skills to nail that interview and land the job of your dreams.

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What You Can Gain


Discover your passion and purpose. Gain clarity on your path and pursue your greatest potential.


Embrace your true self with confidence to pursue aspirations and conquer challenges.


Tap into your inner strength and venture into new territory, turning fear into fuel for success.


Cultivate steadfast dedication, prioritize growth, and take action towards a fulfilling career.

Who We Help

Recent College Graduates

Need a winning game plan for the real world after college? I can act as your career GPS, providing a job search plan, a killer resume, and a polished online profile. I'll help you prepare for interviews to stand out in today's competitive job market.

Early-Career Professionals

Whether searching for a first role or seeking a career change, your first steps in the professional world can be overwhelming. Whether you're searching for your first role or looking to make a career change, I will guide you through this transition with confidence and clarity.

Mid-Career Professionals

Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current career? I can help assess your skills and strengths while exploring new possibilities aligned with your goals. I’ll encourage you to discover your true passions and chart a new course for greater job satisfaction.


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Let's work together to build YOU.

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